Do you ship internationally?
- Standard shipping services are available for most of the countries that we ship to.
- You'll receive a shipping confirmation email from the warehouse with a tracking link for your package once it is shipped so that you can follow its journey.
How much do you charge for shipping?
How long does it take to receive my order?
It will take a a little time, but remember that our adorable products - and time waiting for them - is a great way to strengthen patience!
Order processing time 1-5 days.
* The United States of America
Standard shipping 7-14 days after we process and ship out the package
*European Union
Standard shipping 7-14 days after we ship out the package
Standard shipping 7-17 days after we ship out the package
We guarantee 60 days money back if you don't receive the package we will refund your money even if you will receive the package after this period.
Why is my order arriving in multiple shipments?
If your order has to be divided, we will send you a confirmation email advising you of:
The items expected to ship in each shipment.
Please note: when we divide an order into multiple shipments, you are not charged an additional fee. We simply divide the shipping cost provided at checkout across the multiple shipments when your order is charged.
Will my package be charged customs and import charges?
You may be charged for handling fees and taxes as your order passes through customs. Any charge on a package must be paid by the person receiving the package (this also applies to retail & wholesale customers).
MOF GOODS SRL has no control over these charges and we can’t tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country.
It might be a good idea to contact your local customs office for current charges before you order, so you are not surprised by charges you were not expecting.
What if my order arrives incomplete, damaged, or defective?
We don't expect this to happen, but if it does happen, please contact us right away at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.